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I regret

I have to go to the future rather than go back to the past, saying that I should not investigate any more money for the support of North Korea during the Roh Moo-hyun administration on the Internet during the Lee Myung-bak Roh government. I am now asking for the economy to be saved and care for the foreign exchange crisis and other jobs. It was

We should pay attention to making one more job for young people with the time and expense of examining the past. It is time for the Republic of Korea to raise awareness on the basis of knowledge-based businesses and build up all the capabilities for the future of the country. I have uploaded the request many times in the time of Lee Myung Bak administration

If the Lee Myung Bak administration had conducted a detailed investigation into North Korea& #39;s financial support during the Roh Moo-hyun administration, it should be considered that the current government was born.

Whenever the regime changes, it is necessary to pay attention to making one more young job for the country& #39;s future instead of paying for the nervousness and the cost of finding the mistake of the past government.

When the Moon Jae-in government investigates the past and investigates the four rivers, it is expected that only the work of the people will be created by the repeated past fighting, which is a repetitive, backward-looking form of government,

I hope that if the regime changes, I will save the things that have been done in the previous government and make the deficiencies better and make it better.

¤Ñ West German coach (Oh Byung-hwa) ¤Ñ

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