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Salt harvest in Guerande

Salt worker Cedric Leray shovels salt in a wheelbarrow to store it on a heap in Guerande, western France, 14 July 2019. The region of Guerande on the Atlantic coast has gained international gastronomic fame for its sea salt. The area produces about 10,000 tons of salt every year. The process is largely natural, with plentiful water and sun being the main elements in its production. The irrigation of the salt works is very precise; it is managed by a series of basins where the water vaporizes and the salt appears. There are about 330 salt workers: 230 depend on a cooperative agricultural society and 100 are independent contractors. In recent years, Guerande salt has been awarded several quality labels, such as the Red Label. The salt farms yield is 100 percent biological, as all the ancillary materials of production as bags, pallets and tarpaulins are organic. EPA/THIBAULT VANDERMERSCH ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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