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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 19-09-11 01:32
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Salt harvest in Guerande

Salt worker Damien Calzolai transports salt in a wheelbarrow in Guerande, western France, 14 July 2019. The region of Guerande on the Atlantic coast has gained international gastronomic fame for its sea salt. The area produces about 10,000 tons of salt every year. The process is largely natural, with plentiful water and sun being the main elements in its production. The irrigation of the salt works is very precise; it is managed by a series of basins where the water vaporizes and the salt appears. There are about 330 salt workers: 230 depend on a cooperative agricultural society and 100 are independent contractors. In recent years, Guerande salt has been awarded several quality labels, such as the Red Label. The salt farms yield is 100 percent biological, as all the ancillary materials of production as bags, pallets and tarpaulins are organic. EPA/THIBAULT VANDERMERSCH ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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Steve Goreham (specialist in the environment, business and public policy)

Canadian geologist David Brooks estimated that a single average cubic mile of the Earth¡¯s crust contains a billion tons of aluminum (from bauxite), more than 500 million tons of iron, a million tons of zinc and 600,000 tons of copper.

There are 57 million such square miles of Earth¡¯s land surface and almost triple that area under the surface of the oceans. Of course, only a tiny fraction of metals in the Earth¡¯s crust is economically recoverable with today¡¯s technology. Nevertheless, the Earth¡¯s supply of raw materials is finite, but vast.

But aren¡¯t we running out of hydrocarbon energy? In 1977, President Jimmy Carter told the nation, ¡°World consumption of oil is still going up. If it were possible to keep it rising during the 1970s and 1980s we could use up all the proven reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade.¡±

Mr. Carter and his advisers were wrong. Petroleum engineers changed the world with the technological advances of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. U.S. daily oil production more than doubled from 5 million barrels in 2008 to more than 12 million barrels today. U.S. natural gas production also doubled over the last decade.

From 1980-2017 world petroleum production increased more than 50 percent. But world crude oil reserves increased 150 percent, from 27 years of supply to 46 years of supply at higher production rates. The same doomsayers that continue to forecast resource depletion were certain we had reached peak oil a decade ago.

Today, humanity has the greatest abundance of resources in history. Human ingenuity determines resource availability, not the amount of fruit on a tree or the number of rocks on the ground. Driven by advancing human technology, for all practical purposes, the Earth¡¯s resources will never run out.

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