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Italy remembers Falcone on anniversary of bombing

Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte (C) is welcomed by Maria Falcone (L), sister of Giovanni Falcone, and by Palermo Mayor Leoluca Orlando (R) as he arrives at the bunker court in Palermo's Ucciardone prison, where the big maxi-trial against Cosa Nostra members took place in the 1980s and 1990s, for a ceremony marking the 27th anniversary of the deaths of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, Italian prosecutors killed by the mafia in May and July 1992, in Palermo, Italy, 23 May 2019. On 23 May 1992 a roadside bomb took the lives of Falcone, his wife and three police officers. The attack was followed by a car bombing that killed Borsellino and five police officers on 19 July. EPA/Igor Petyx

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